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5 minutes to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of what is happening which is key to addressing the curve with the Schroth method and why the Schroth method is complex as the curve is not a simple sidebend.
As a parent of a kid with scoliosis you often feel like you have a lot of pressure on your shoulders to figure out what to do and to navigate the system. I am going to explain the system in healthcare for scoliosis currently, the #1 best thing you can do at home for your child(ren) and the top traps parents often fall into.
Walter Ramos is one of only about 5 orthotists in the world who is also Schroth certified as he started his career journey as a PT, he is well renowned across the US, and travels the world to study with the best in his line of work. "We are lucky to have him to talk to today and he even makes braces for some of my patients so I am lucky to have him as a resource for my patients.
Scoliosis care is a team approach, build a strong team and reinforce each other and the whole team is empowered for greatness and the one that benefits the most is the patient and their family!"
Scoliosis awareness month--what is it all about, how to detect scoliosis in your family, less "wait and see" approach to scoliosis care--when is "wait and see" appropriate?
Breathing and scoliosis: how does scoliosis impact breathing? Are they related? Check out this video below. With a Schroth assessment we often assess expansion distribution of the rib cage to see if it is affected, often even with small curves the pattern has changed. Schroth method exercises often restore breathing to a more normal distribution for more efficent breathing.
Interview series: Today's interview is with Maggie Rucker, an experienced yoga teacher discussing diaphgramatic breathing from the yoga perspective. Diaphgramatic breathing is often hard for people with scoliosis. We can learn more tools to add to the tool box from yoga and knowing how and giving ourselves permission to modify yoga for our bodies related to scoliosis is also important.
What you need to know as a parent of a child with scoliosis or as an adult living with scoliosis to be preventative of future problems.
We have a special discussion about bone density and scoliosis with this interview with Sara Meeks. She is an experienced PT who has specialized in osteoporosis care for the last 37 years of her career and teaches PT content related to her depth of knowledge in bone density and her passion to help patients improve their bone density via conservative means when possible.
I am a PT that did an additional 2 years of training into scoliosis and have completed both levels of Schroth certification for 3D scoliosis specific exercises as well as taken Sara Meek's course on bone density.
Tune in to learn more about bone density--a pertainant topic for those with scoliosis!
Scoliosis specialist and osteoporosis specialists bring our overlapping topics to you as we put our heads together!
We think of scoliosis pain as limited to the spine and most studies looking at the correlation of pain and scoliosis limit those in the study to those with pain in the spine but actually the way the body works makes everything related and in fact shoulder pain can be related to a thoracic curvature by altering mechanics of the shoulder blade. So when you think of pain related to scoliosis it might surprise you what pains might improve by address the scoliosis.
Do you have lower back pain? Is it your SI joint?
Check out this video to learn more about the SI joint and scoliosis.
May was Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health and Scoliosis
Optimal health comes from looking at a person from a biopsychosocial model, holistically as a whole person. Mental health might be a factor for scoliosis when it involves chronic pain, body image issues, chemical/hormone imbalances, and/or teenage diagnosis. I'll dive into these issues and give tools for mental health support.
Goal setting: When it comes to setting goals there are ways that are more like a wish and unlikely to happen and ways that are more proven to be successful. SMART goals are acronym for setting stronger goals and I break down that acronym and give examples of how to make your goals stronger.
Scoliosis considerations while pregnant or planning to become pregnant….manage your spine when it’s vulnerable, it will thank you later!!
What you need to know about this phase of life with scoliosis
Lauren Dela Cruz PT is a doctor of physical therapy who has specialized in women's health PT and specializes in the treatment of pregnant and post partum women. We went to graduate school together to become doctors of physical therapy 10 years ago in the same class, we have both since specialized in our own nitche to find ways to best help people who need us most. We will discuss how scoliosis which is my specialty might affect these timeframes for women and physical rehab considerations. Two PTs who are putting their specialized realms together to find the best of both worlds in terms of conservative rehab management. Listen up to learn more....
What is the relationship between hypermobility and scoliosis and what does it mean for scoliosis management?
Do you have hypermobility? Take the Beighton test along with this video to get an idea of where you fall on this scale.
Everyone falls on the spectrum somewhere between too loose, too tight, and just right in terms of how tendons hold joints together. Learn how your body type dictates your needs and what you should be doing to bring yourself into balance to prevent future pain or manage current pain--whether you have scoliosis or not.